what's up guys! welcome back to another episode. today i actually have something realy funny for you guys so basicly we are gonna be looking at kids explain to us, how babies are made. so, i'm expecting the funniest reactions from these kids this was actually on a jimmy kimmel show if you guys don't know who he is, go check him out link is down below for the full video :o
no interuptions but without further ado let's get right into this. this is gonna be too funny! so lets go. where do babies come from? ladies' tummies...? do the ladies eat the babies? no! they just get pregnant. no...
i mean i'm guessing most of these kids are going to be really young so we don't expect them to actually know about how babies are made, but at the same time, maybe they think about it logically. when they do realize how babies are made, they need to think to themselves "my parents had to do that! and that's the only way i'm here..." that is such an awkward thought
that you'd have in your head. like you can't imagine like your parents ehh.... ohhhwww ah nooooo i'm sorry! i don't want to put that image... oh my. alright you know what? we're moving on. how are babies made? ummmmm, the....
downstairs goes into the girls downstairs. do you know where babies come from? a b c d e... *cut off* she"s a baby! they are literally asking a baby where a baby comes from! babes... from babes? yes, from...babes *points at chest* oh, from boobs. when moms and dads makes love..?
what kind of lizard makes love? i dunno e r j k, l m n o p *laughter* do you know how babies are made? they..*giggles* alright, she diffidently looks like she's a lot older. so i'm expecting a different answer than everyone else, because they're all a lot younger than her why's it so funny?
it's really... um... what's weird about it? knowing that my parents have to do it. i told you guys! i told you, when you're old enough, and you realize how babies are actually made then it's that, that's the first thought that goes in your head it's like "wait, that means my parents had to do that in order to make me..?" and then you're just like *dramatic music*
what???? uhhhh ahhh uauuhh uhhhhhhhh uh.. u uh explain to him huhh hu mom? their mom? you don't know? explain to him how it works. uhhh me?
yeah it's like.. uh. like they, they come out of a vagi... i don't know what *laughter* that is so awkward you know the weird thing about this? for you guys it seems like they're alone, right? because you can't see the parents behind them. but the parents are actually watching their own kids right now!
when the kid said, i'm telling you the mom is like "jake, shut your mouth jake!" do you know how babies are made? how? you say, "bla pa jeen" *musical* "ba ba black sheep, howwee wore. black sheep black sheep be ba fow" gross...uh i can't do this, this is to good. his face is...that was the most priceless reaction i've ever seen. gross...ummm uh.
why is it gross? because! it's it's... blehh health *laughter* what do you mean health? he's legit spazzing out, he's getting triggered right now he's been asked the question "how babies are made" and he's just like oh uh... it's gross..? and then she just asked him ya know, how's it gross? and he's completely getting triggered
he's just like, because! it's! *trigger static* i'm not in 5th grade yet, i shouldn't know this stuff *laghter* ehuh umm... jssst...work... comes from...a scene... star wars and it was really gross and painful that was it guys! oh my god. that was one of the funniest videos i've ever watched!
what do you guys think about this? maybe some of you guys don't even know where babies come from... maybe if you're young enough right now and you're watching this you don't even know where they come from i'm not here to spoil it, ya know? i'm not here to tell you guys. it's not my place at all, but like i said before. this is so awkward for these kids. it's like a taboo subject they never even...they don't know anything about, they're too young. my favorite one, had to be the baby the baby was asked where a baby comes from.
that is amazing. guys, thank you so much for watching this video! i hope you guys laughed, i hope you enjoyed, have a good day! i'll see you next time in another episode. till then, peace out!