what's up guys? happy monday. welcome to day 1 of our 5 days to minimalismchallenge. if you're not caught up, you can watch myannouncement video here or in the description box. basically this is a collaboration series withmy friend brittany of naturallythriftymom, and each day of this week, monday throughfriday, we're going to be tackling a small area and decluttering and tidying through that.
the idea is it's easier to start small on your way to minimalism. and minimalism is an ongoing journey, there's always somewhere you can improve. today's challenge is tidying your purse. so without further ado, let's get into it. here's my purse. the first step is to take everything out ofyour purse. everything i keep in my purse is pretty intentionalso we'll see what we can get rid of today.
now i'm going to sort through each thing. my tripod, i do want to keep that. my camera for vlogging and photos, i do wantto keep that. hand sanitizer, yes. panty liner, i always need those. chapstick, yes. pen, yes. that pouch, i'll deal with later. external battery and phone charger, yes.
i need this with me at all times if possible. hair tie. car keys and house keys, yes. now it's time to empty out these pouches. this band-aid, backup band-aid, i'm not sure if i should keep it but i feellike i should just have a band-aid since it doesn't take up too much space. that's pepcid and it's overdue so i'm definitely throwing that out.
that bracelet is for good luck from my mom. i have a backup camera battery that-the pouchkind of broke so i think i might have to discard that. so that's my discard pile and now i'm justemptying out my other pouch. those are some random keys for luggage thati'll just put away. emergen-c, i feel like it'd be good to havethat with me. some extra business cards. and i have sprinkles gift cards that i keepwith me in case i go to sprinkles. i have hand lotion i like to keep with me.
eye drops, i need. face lotion? i'm deciding if i need that, but sometimesi sleep over at my boyfriend's and i like to use that. extra business cards i'm going to put away. and that pouch, because it's broken, i'm going to switch it off for another onethat i have. my wallet is actually what's messy. i don't really clear out my wallet often
so let's just take everything out. i have some rewards cards that i could definitelythrow away because i don't ever use those. i have cash. i have random papers that i don't really need. this check, i already deposited, so i don'tneed that. these are photos and something i got froma buddhist temple in japan. and in the center compartment of my wallet,i keep some good luck stuff and things from my travels that make me happy.
this is a business card from my car that ineed to fix so i'm supposed to call this guy back. i'm going to take a photo of it so i don'tneed to carry that card with me. these are photos that i took in japan withmy mom, cousin, and aunt, and they make me really happy but i decidedi don't need to carry all of them so i'm going to put that one away. sorting through what good luck charms i want to keep with me. those two pennies are hello kitty penniesfrom japan,
and i decided i could just put those awayin my mementos box. sorting through these little trinkets. i have a lot of photos. i have some backup phone numbers, a lot of good luck charms, my student id fordiscounts. i guess i have too many little photos so i decided i'm going to sort through theones that make me happy and really put away the ones that don't giveme as much joy, people that i'm not as close to anymore.
now i'm going through cards and putting awaycards that are gift cards and store credit cards that i don't use allthe time, and i put them in this pouch with my business cards so i don't keep mywallet so stuffed. and now it's basically time to put everythingaway back where it came from. day 1: check! please join in on this 5 days to minimalismchallenge. i think it'd be really fun. if you do tidy your purse today, make sureyou share it on social media and hashtag #5daystominimalism and tag me and brittany:@lavendaire and @naturallythriftymom.
we'd love to see your stuff. thank you, and see you tomorrow!