hey there vape fans! welcome to another episodeof the mt. baker vapor tutorial series. my name is mikaela burkhart, and today we'regoing to be talking about propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. pg and vg is whatwe use as a base for your electronic cigarette. so, for example, as you see these bottlesup here, when you order you're going to get propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. first,let's discuss propylene glycol. now, don't worry, it's used in quite a few pharmaceuticalsolvents, such as topical creams, oral supplements, and iv injections. it is also considered gras,which stands for generally recognized as safe through the food and drug association (fda)of the united states. so we use propylene glycol as what carries the flavor, you'regoing to get more of a throat hit. let's go
over exactly what products you can buy thatactually have propylene glycol. now, as you can see in front of me, we have: salad dressing,deodorant, cough syrup, cake mix, and my favorite, frosting. i ate a little earlier. all of thesehave propylene glycol in them. now, let's move on to vegetable glycerin. let's justlook at the products in front of me that actually have vegetable glycerin. now, i don't havea lot with us currently, but we do have is an actual pharmaceutical lotion that you canuse to bring the moisture out of your skin, and we also have cough syrup as well. vegetableglycerin is also used in food products to hold in the moisture. also, you'd be surprisedat the amount of creams that you buy in most stores as well, for example: lotion. next,let's discuss the difference in ratios. now,
some get confused when they see so many options.those ratios will always begin with propylene glycol and then move to vegetable glycerin.so, when you hear our lovely customer service people say 50/50 or 20/80 they are actuallyputting that in order for you automatically. so always remember propylene glycol first,then vegetable glycerin. now, when you order these different ratios, you're going to geteither more throat hit which is propylene glycol, or more vapor which is vegetable glycerin.now, just remember, when you use these ratios, it comes down to the person. so if you callus and say what do you think i should get? we won't know the answer. it really is trialbasis on what you prefer. now let's discuss the effects of propylene glycol and vegetableglycerin on your tanks and cartomizers. if
you get max pg, you have a very high chanceof flooding those clearomizers and those coils that you get, primarily because it's so thin.it's almost like water. if you get max vg on the other end, it's so thick with a viscositythat's compared to molases, you're gonna actually end up having dry hits. most of you are wondering,well, how do i avoid such a silly thing? well, you can get different blends to start. so50/50 is a wonderful starting point for someone who's new. but for propylene glycol when itcomes to flooding, don't vape like you're trying to suck a ball through a garden hose.it doesn't need that, it will automatically vape just fine. if it comes to your wicksnot getting soaked up properly, then you can do what's called dry pulls. basically youare not going to turn your battery on, you're
going to vape it just normally, you're notgoing to get any vapor or anything, you're just pulling that vegetable glycerin downonto the wicks, soaking the wicks a little bit. do it one to three times maybe, and thengo ahead and vape normally. that way those wicks get properly soaked so you're not gettingdry, burnt tastes. and now, remember, the biggest lesson you're going to learn fromthis video is: i don't know what you like. it comes down to what you prefer and whatyou like. do not worry about propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. as you can see infront of me, we have a few products that you have most likely had at least once in yourlife. they are generally recognized as safe by the united states food and drug association.most important! don't forget this! get your
pen and papers out and start writing: youneed to subscribe to mt baker vapor on youtube and please leave your comments and compliments.that way we can know more about you and you can know more about us. have a wonderful day.