interior of a house

interior of a house

hello! my name is grady johnson and i am aprofessional painter and today i represent now i am going to talka little bit about the tools that we need for painting. now painting tools are prettyuniversal. you can use them interior, exterior. there are a few variations. there are a fewthings that you can use that you probably won't see here today because just don't usethem. now of course whenever you are painting, you do need to cover the area whether it isinside or outside so i recommend you have a bunch of drop cloths. as you can see herei have a variety sizes to work with. also, we are also going to be doing some prep work.whenever you are prepping, you are going to need to do a little bit of scraping. alwaysa painter needs to keep his 5-in-one-tool

or putty knife available for scraping andopening up paint cans. always keep a rag on hand that's for dusting. we have dusters aswell in a couple of different sizes. we dust off the area and then we wipe it down withour rag and it gets that extra stuff off. we use that in prep work and then we kindof dust that off on our leg and we use it when we are painting too to make sure thatour work looks good. when doing this prep work, you want to put on a little spacklingso you want a flex blade and as you can see it is a different kind of blade, just notas stiff and it gives a little bit. now we are going to do some caulking so you wanta good caulking gun as well. now these caulking guns, just vbe sure the action works wellon it and you want to have some kind of a

poker 6to be able to poke the end of the caulking.if for some reason it is locking up on you for some reason, just take it back. they willreplace it. once you have your prep work done, you are going to want to start cutting everythingin and priming it and you are going to need some brushes for that. now when you are doinga lot of different kinds of things, you are doing priming, you are doing ceilings, youare doing walls, interior and some exterior work, you want a lot of different setups sokeep 3 or 4 cut pots around so that you can get into different paints without having toclean up in between. try to use a dry brush whenever you get into a new paint so try andkeep a brush for every paint setup you are going to get into and that's brushing. anothertip is try and use your really good brush,

is the super sharp ones on the inside therougher brushes on the outside just because they get more wear on the exterior let's talk about rolling. now rolling of course, you have to have a 5 gallon bucketto pour your paint up in and do your boxing. i keep a couple of these around. you see iam sitting on one now and also i keep a little water on hand and even if i am way on theother side away from the spicket, i keep a little water in a 5 gallon bucket so thati can wash my hands periodically. it gets the caulking off and a little paint that accumulatesas well. you want to have a 5 gallon bucket. don't use those little rolling pins. theyare a mess and don't handle the job as well. exterior, a 5 gallon bucket and a roller isall you are going to need but interior you

are going to need some kind of a roller screen.on the inside, always use the roller screen because they control the paint. roll downon this is going to push that paint into the roller net and it is not going to fly allover the place. you see i've got a couple of them here because i am doing ceilings andwalls on the interior today. you want to keep a couple of roller frames on hand as well.with roller frames you don't need as many of them as you do with the brushes. but itis a good idea to have a different roller frame for each setup as well. that way youdon't have to worry about getting the wrong paint on the wrong thing and you don't haveanything wet and runny on you. now these are all the basic items that you are going toneed here and also you are going to need to

have good roller mats. i use the inch andquarter because they work outside and they work inside. if you are going to do a realmeticulous inside work and you don't want a lot of paint flying around, just use the3/4 inch mat on this latex paint and you should be fine and these are the tools that are requiredfor interior and exterior paint.