hi vapers how are your the it is gonna be for a company called hold fast vapors e liquid phenomenal all past papers i have a car here together flavor profile all vessels sticker they sent me real great stuff%uh personal you get right to it all past papers theyhave five flavors and they are all dilisio to sell there's one haha they were not onlybecause i don't like jawbreakers
but the candy flavorings caught jawsthis is a classic job make greater than don't leave your mouth water this is it right here scott jaws asreally good it's a good labor is just not myfavorite a lot of my friends have tried this and they love it because they likethose candies i'll one of my absolute favorites is called pirate's booty pirate's bootythis is what it looks like me pirate's booty as a strawberry banana twisted together with
ahead the cotton candy it's one of myfavorites so that's going to happen gonna put all myjob atomizer and this was called hold fast vapors e liquid pirate's booty it'sso good strawberry banana on paper on a three milligram i'm these guys at the world a transferdown miami the really the lessons pirate's booty buywhole past papers it's a strawberry banana
with little cock can you get that in theback me yeah strawberry banana perfectlybalanced neck cotton candy excels it's delicious next time we're going to do is callhold fast vapors e liquid david jones locker and what they have here is it's a call it a trip to the tropicsit's a plan that pineapple mango barry years without looks like this one's davyjones locker yet as really very good i in my more psp2 tank by the way
you a check out a gray tank is more psp2i have a a a video on it as well what are the best cell phone tanks formale leaders great actor haven't slamming on the setup whether it be a you know mechanical mater a box modgreat sup but this one here really do me this call davy jones locker i haveyou're right now just the just a little bit davy joneslocker pineapple mango barry me great neighbor
in i have on the email alley excellingget the mango and a very great balance just phenomenal phenomenal delicious bayto my favorites here the hold fast vapors e liquid pirates booty davy jones locker yeah i'm gonna try is called mutes a mutiny on the high seas and mutiny from whole fast babers and knows all theflavors are kinda high already late lake house there i communities phenomenal i put that oneon my
other tank system and his sons chris pairs sweet barry stop a little cream that's very very tastyuni who just moved really very good mutiny sweet pairs chris hairs i can taste the crest apparentlyin hell know that so i definitely get a lot this week barry's really flavorfulthese are over my favorites in the
second but hold fast vapors e liquid that was being that's really very goodblessed with a half years call work royle and its i'll it says indulgein fresh case drizzled with maple sugar glaze top with candy knots a distinguishedflavor three royal taste buds let's give it a shot port royale i'mexcited about this when i try and scuttle maple glaze maple sugar glaze in it up in your own
so here we go with port royale from hold fast vapors e liquid juice well right of rebel get maple glazed maple sugar get alittle nuts on the back handle little little candy knots on theback and really very good poor oil give you a quick shot %uh the bottle really very good stuff that maple glaze maple sugar glaze com so if you likethis are claims that would be the one my absolute favorites from whole pastpapers
have got the pirates booty indy joneslocker hires berry strawberry banana i one of my favorites all all day forsure and that would be it would be the davyjones locker so and the davy jones locker obviously thepineapple mag on barry hung up on the hill theberries the mag on the excel really phenomenal another hole i it's great i'll i'm gonnaleave a link at the bottom video the description box korea you thelegal right to their site on hold fast vapors e liquid were water what you want up again myfavorites
pirate's booty davy jones locker i haveto say for dessert were late night date the port royalewith the maple sugar with that up maple sugar glazephenomenal stop to check a hold fast vapors e liquid ali likethe bottom the video in the description box korea hope you enjoy the video for holdfast a great day be fun