hi everyone! it’s me! dino! jessi’s on spring break, so she said thati could come visit and teach you about two of my favorite things: birds and recycling! now you may not know this, but birds looove recycling. not only does it help make the world cleaner, you can also recycle some things that you might usually throw away... and turn theminto bird feeders! bird feeders for … feeding birds! like me! so, first things first! let’s talk about what we birds like to eat!
we love things like insects, and worms and ticks for sure. i can’t get enough of those delicious ticks! but we also eat some kinds of people food!like nuts, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, and fruit, including my own personal favorite, apples! and even though we love to eat lots of thingsthat humans like, there are some human foods that can be dangerous for birds. the first big one to avoid is chocolate! youmight think chocolate is realllly yummy, but it’s no good for birds. so if you’re going to put peanuts or otherthings in your feeder for me, help me out
and make sure they don’t have any chocolateon them! thank you in advance. another food you should avoid is bread. imean, i’ll eat it, but it doesn’t really give me the nutrients that i need. plus, it can attract mice and rats, and asgood as i am about sharing, i do like to have my food all to myself. now that we got our food basics down,let’s make some bird feeders! this one is really fun and simple to make! all you’ll need is a toilet paper roll, heh! i said toilet paper! and also some string,
some peanut butter, a butter knife or a spoon,a plate, and some bird food! and may i suggest my personal favorite, sunflowerseeds? yum, yum, yum! now this might get messy, so make sure you’rein a place where it’s ok to make a mess. first, set out your plate and pour some birdseedon it. set this aside for now, you’ll use it later! take some peanut butter, and spread it allover your toilet paper roll. yeah! you’re on the right track! next, roll your toilet paper roll across thebird seed until it’s well covered. you’re almost there! and i’m startingto drool!
all you have to do now is pull your stringthrough the middle of the roll. then, just tie your bird feeder to a tree! that’ll be a greatplace for me to take a quick snack break later! this next bird feeder is really fun, becauseyou can keep filling it up over and over. you’ll need an empty plastic jug, a marker,birdseed, and scissors. for this feeder, you should ask for help from a grown up. first, draw a circle on one side of the jugwhere you want your birdy friends to get their food. on the opposite side, draw another circle. next, ask for help from a grown up, and cutthe circles out. that looks great!
now, you can fill your feeder with bird food! and finally, you can hang your bird feederon a branch using the jug’s handle, no string needed! okay, i have one more fun bird feeder to showyou, that’s really easy to make! all you’ll need is an empty plastic bottle,some string, scissors, birdseed, and a wooden spoon. and, if you have an extra pencil lying around, that'll work too! first, mark a spot on the bottle near thebottom, about the width of your wooden spoon or pencil. now, flip your bottle over and mark a spotopposite the one you just made. make a third
mark about an inch above that one. then get some help from a grown up to cutout those three holes. once the holes have been cut, slide your wooden spoon or your pencil through the two lower holes. now you’ve made a perch for birds to stand on, and a hole for the seed to spill out! all that’s left is to fill the feeder upand hang it outside! by recycling your leftover stuff and turningit into birdfeeders, you’re helping the environment, which keeps you healthy, and you’re giving your neighborhood birds a meal, which keeps us healthy! which is just so sweet of you!
did you make a birdfeeder that you want toshare? or do you have more questions for me about birds, or dinosaurs, or how i’m so handsome? grab a grownup and leave a comment below, or send us an e-mail at kids@thescishow.com! thanks for making bird feeders with me! and i’d like to thank google making science for helping me make this episode! and have a scrumptious day!